Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Prashant Kishor as Bihar CM?

Poll strategist Prashant Kishor has been giving his latest forecast on the general elections to various channels. He was on India Today yesterday.

The forecast that took my breath away yesterday was about PK himself. He revealed that his party, Jan Swaraj, would be contesting the Bihar assembly elections n 2025. PK is confident that he would win a majority. 

It's one thing to chalk out a winning strategy for an established political brand; quite another to win an election oneself. There is a world of difference, as we management types know, between being a good management consultant and being a successful CEO. This is one forecast that will be watched closely.

As for his forecasts for the general elections, the crucial ones are:

  • BJP will get 303 seats (its tally in 2019) or more. BJP tally in North and West will be largely unaffected, will gain in East and South.
  • Congress unlikely to add to its tally
  • Jagan Reddy set to lose in AP assembly polls

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